别针故事(Love of Pins)
光影辉映(Harmony of Light and Shadow)
一叶知秋(When the Golden Autumn Falls)
冰蓝细语(Light Blue's Whisper)
只要有你(Unbelievable World if Being with You)
Individual Carbon Nanotube
Carbon Nanotube Arrays
Reaction in Carbon Nanotube
Clusters in Virus Shell
Individual Carbon Nanotube
Running Man
Life Like a Cup
The 10th Anniversary of Clannad
Sora's Dream
Virtual Wifi
Chinese Coordination Chemistry
Students Union of CCME
Chemistry Star
iShow Communication Platform
Unbelivable World-Lirbsry
Atelier of Stardust
Spectre Lee
Design Works for NT18
化院百年院庆展板(Panel for CCME's 100th Anniversary)
教师节的礼物(Presents for Teacher's Day)
课题组展板(Panel for NMNS)
趣味运动会(Funny Sports Meet)
家政与生活创意协会(Poster for CACA)
YOLO交友会(You Only Live Once)
陌上花开宣传海报(Poster for Blossom of Youth)
工作证(Name Cards)
万智牌·七彩神话,257张(Magic the Gathering, Legend of Colors, 257 cards)
三国杀DIY,50张(Sanguosha, 50 cards)
永远的化院·永远的一二九(Forever CCME)
燕园灵梦录-2012级毕业纪念(Four Years as a Dream - Graduation Memorial in 2012)
火猫哥斯拉战队联赛2015第二赛季宣传视频(HMGSL StarcraftII League 2015 Season II)
2009年129合唱过场视频(Final Fantasy)
百年化城-化院百周年庆开幕式(Eternal Castle of Chemistry for CCME's 100th Anniversary)
星际争霸II教学(Course of Starcraft II)
春风桃李-李彦教授北京大学十佳导师竞选视频(Achievement of Prof. Yan Li)
陌上花开-艺术学院毕业微电影(Blossom of the Youth)
苹果旅行十周年(The 10th Anniversary of Apple Travel)
Maya初学教程(Preliminary Course of Maya)